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Planning Applications

Jackson Planning's approach to planning applications is to work within policy constraints wherever possible and to ensure that applications are fully supported by a suite of technical information. 


Over the 13 years of practice Jackson Planning have achieved over 150 planning permissions over a wide range of projects with over a 90% + success rate.  The approach will vary from site to site with more controversial proposals requiring a step-by-step approach or extensive pre-application discussions. We can advise on the most appropriate strategy based on our experience of similar situations and our detailed understanding of the individual approach of each authority. 

We have experience of lawful development certificates, section 73 applications, listed building applications, non-material amendments, discharge of conditions. We have been involved in establishing suitable section 106 agreements with assistance of your lawyers. 

Jackson Planning have also assisted on community infrastructure levy issues to ensure an appropriate response and charging outcome.


All planning applications made by Jackson Planning are submitted through the planning portal. 

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